HP Jet Fusion 5200 Printer - Front View

HP 3D Applications From the Factory Floor and Beyond

One of the most exhilarating parts of watching emerging technologies is watching how the technology itself evolves, but also the way it pushes the industries it supports or impacts to evolve as well. 3D printing is no different. What makes watching additive manufacturing so exciting is that its relationship with the industries utilizing it is symbiotic. Not only are the industries using the tech pushing 3D printer manufacturers to revolutionize and optimize their machines and materials, but those changes are enabling new uses across multiple industries.   What Is HP 3D? In 2014, HP entered the 3D printing market with […]
Markforged Metal X System

Top Applications for 3D Metal Printing with Markforged

The introduction of 3D printing to the manufacturing landscape was revolutionary. When it first appeared on the scene, its applications were limited. The technology was restricted by the hardware, skilled workers, size, speed, cost of production, in addition to other factors. However, it was easy for many to see how the technology had the potential to change the game in the same way that other advancements, like automation, changed the manufacturing industry. While tackling the initial obstacles was key, once 3D printing became more common, it was time to tackle other issues impacting its more widespread adoption and use. In […]
Two men working with Markforged 3D Printers

Markforged Materials: Selecting the Best Materials for Manufacturing

The 3D printing world was, for some time, marked by its use of thermoplastics for parts production. While thermoplastics have material characteristics that made them valuable in their own right, for the technology to really grow and expand it was clear to many that, in addition to the development of new printer technology, materials would also need to be explored. That’s where Markforged’s innovations came in. The introduction of Onyx and continuous carbon fiber changed the way many industries viewed additive manufacturing.   What is Markforged? Markforged is a 3D printer platform company that designs and develops the hardware, software, […]
Image of the Markforged X7 Industrial 3D Printer - TPM

Markforged 3D Printers: Models That Can Change Your Manufacturing

Once it became clear that 3D printing was going to change the face of manufacturing, a race was on to develop the most reliable and versatile printers to a market clamoring for cost-effective ways to harness the tech. In addition to developing revolutionary materials to help produce stronger and more durable 3D printed parts, Markforged has secured its place in the market with printers that offer durability while also delivering high-quality precision parts. In addition to offering industrial, benchtop, and desktop printers, Markforged delivers printers designed by engineers to allow engineers to create the parts they need with materials that […]