
Three Things to Master in Revu to Elevate Your Studio Sessions

Want to maximize the digital collaboration Studio Sessions has to offer? Master these Revu capabilities first. Bluebeam Revu has for many years been among the top software programs for professionals in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. It allows users to view, mark up and edit PDF documents in a manner that is exponentially more organized and efficient than the former paper-based process. And with the release of Revu 20, users now have enhanced capabilities at their disposal.

Switching from Autodesk Multi-User to Single User

If you have been tasked with switching from Autodesk Multi-User (MU) (server based licensing) to Single-User (SU) (username based licensing), the TPM service team have some tips on how to make the process a lot smoother.

What is Generative Design?

In the age of technological breakthroughs, the way we use design software has a potential to improve and speed up design iterations. We all know that sometimes thinking about the best possible outcome of a design can prove daunting, especially when there are required parameters and or spatial requirements, along with cost constraints. At the end of the day it is about saving time, designing efficiently, and the best. With the release of Revit 2021, generative design became available to assist in quickly generating alternative designs. If you have not figured it out now Generative Design is a computer aided […]

Working From Home? TPM Can Help You Use Bluebeam Remotely!

Bluebeam users sometimes require the ability to work remotely.  That creates questions surrounding how to prepare and implement a remote workflow; while being confident that it will work successfully.   This article covers how to Back Up and Restore settings, Download and Install Revu onto a new computer, Register a New Computer, and Studio Projects and Sessions.       Backing up and restoring settings If you’re using Revu on a separate home computer, you’ll likely want to retain the same toolsets and profiles you use in the office. You can do this by backing up your settings, and then restoring those settings onto a new computer. Be sure to save your […]