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3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS Platform Fundamentals, Essentials & Drawings (SOLIDWORKS Connected) – December 16th, 2024

Live Instructor-Led Training (attend in-person or virtually)

Length: 5 days; 8:30 am-4:30 pm Price: $2,500 Prerequisites: Mechanical design experience; experience with the Windows operating system Description: SOLIDWORKS Essentials using 3DEXPERIENCE and SOLIDWORKS Connected teaches you how to use the SOLIDWORKS Connected mechanical design automation software to build parametric models of parts and assemblies, how to make drawings of those parts and assemblies and introduces sharing and storage with 3DEXPERIENCE platform. View Course Details Virtual Training Details:


Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T) – January 6th, 2025

Live Instructor-Led Training (attend in-person or virtually)

Cost: $1,000.00 Length: 2 Days; 8:30 AM-4:30 PM This class will cover the basic understanding and application of Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T) techniques. We will provide detailed examples per the ASME Y 14.5-2018 standard. This course is not intended to make an expert of the student, but with practice and application of the techniques explained in this course, the student should be able to read and understand GD&T dimensioning standards. This outline is subject to change based on the instructor’s observations and the time allotted for the course. Prerequisite: SOLIDWORKS Essentials, some drafting & design experience, mechanical design experience, […]


SOLIDWORKS Essentials – January 13th, 2025

Live Instructor-Led Training (attend in-person or virtually)

Length: 5 days; 8:30 am-4:30 pm Price: $2,000.00 Prerequisites: Mechanical design experience; experience with the Windows operating system. Description: SOLIDWORKS Essentials teaches you how to use the SOLIDWORKS mechanical design automation software to build parametric models of parts and assemblies and how to make drawings of those parts and assemblies. View Course Details Virtual Training Details: 


SOLIDWORKS Advanced Parts & Assemblies – February 3rd, 2025

Live Instructor-Led Training (attend in-person or virtually)

Length: 5 days; 8:30 am-4:30 pm Price: $2,500 Prerequisites: SOLIDWORKS Essentials Description: This is a two-part class. Advanced Part Modeling teaches you how to use multi-body solids, sweeping and lofting features, and SOLIDWORKS' more advanced shaping capabilities. Assembly Modeling teaches you how to maximize your use of the assembly modeling capabilities of SOLIDWORKS mechanical design automation software. View Course Details Virtual Training Details: 


SOLIDWORKS Simulation Essentials – February 11th, 2025

Live Instructor-Led Training (attend in-person or virtually)

Length: 3 days; 8:30am-4:30pm Price: $1,500 Prerequisites: Knowledge of SOLIDWORKS and basic mechanical engineering concepts is recommended. Description: The course is designed to make SOLIDWORKS users productive more quickly with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Bundle. This course will provide an in-depth coverage on the basics of Finite Element Analysis (FEA), covering the entire analysis process from meshing to evaluation of results for parts and assemblies. The class discusses linear stress analysis, gap/contact analysis, and best practices. View Course Details Virtual Training Details: 


SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional – February 14th, 2025

Live Instructor-Led Training (attend in-person or virtually)

Length: 1 day; 8:30 am-4:30 pm Price: $600 Prerequisites:  Students must have attended the introductory SOLIDWORKS Simulation course (3 days) or must have a working knowledge of the SOLIDWORKS Simulation software. Knowledge of SOLIDWORKS and basic mechanical engineering concepts is recommended. Description: This course is designed to make SOLIDWORKS Simulation users productive with the SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional extension. This 1-day course will provide in-depth coverage of the advanced Finite Element Analysis (FEA) topics, including heat transfer analysis, frequency analysis, fatigue, stability analysis based on the linear buckling concepts, 2D simulations (plane stress, strain, and axisymmetry), and pressure vessel modulus. Examples […]


3DEXPERIENCE Platform Fundamentals (with SOLIDWORKS Connected) – February 19th, 2025

Live Instructor-Led Training (attend in-person or virtually)

Length: 2 days; 8:30 am-4:30 pm Price: $1,000 Prerequisites: Mechanical design experience; experience with Internet browsers and Windows operating system Description: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Fundamentals introduces the 3DEXPERIENCE interface and SOLIDWORKS Connected design software, specifically in conjunction with using the 3DEXPERIENCE platform for data management. View Course Details Virtual Training Details:


3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS Platform Fundamentals, Essentials & Drawings (SOLIDWORKS Connected) – February 24th, 2025

Live Instructor-Led Training (attend in-person or virtually)

Length: 5 days; 8:30 am-4:30 pm Price: $2,500 Prerequisites: Mechanical design experience; experience with the Windows operating system Description: SOLIDWORKS Essentials using 3DEXPERIENCE and SOLIDWORKS Connected teaches you how to use the SOLIDWORKS Connected mechanical design automation software to build parametric models of parts and assemblies, how to make drawings of those parts and assemblies and introduces sharing and storage with 3DEXPERIENCE platform. View Course Details Virtual Training Details:


Draftsight Essentials – March 5th, 2025

Live Instructor-Led Training (attend in-person or virtually)

Length: 2 Days Price: $900 Prerequisites: Basic Understanding of Windows Description: This course will introduce you to the basic concepts of DraftSight so that you can get started using this powerful software. You’ll learn about geometry, layers, dimensions, blocks, and other features and tools. Topics covered in this course are: Lesson 1: User Interface Lesson 2: View Commands Lesson 3: Coordinates Lesson 4: Creating a Simple Drawing Lesson 5: Modifying Entities Lesson 6: Properties and Layers Lesson 7: Dimensions Lesson 8: Text Lesson 9: Blocks Lesson 10: Printing View Course Details Virtual Training Details:

RSVP Now $900 8 spots left

SOLIDWORKS Essentials – March 10th, 2025

Live Instructor-Led Training (attend in-person or virtually)

Length: 5 days; 8:30 am-4:30 pm Price: $2,000.00 Prerequisites: Mechanical design experience; experience with the Windows operating system. Description: SOLIDWORKS Essentials teaches you how to use the SOLIDWORKS mechanical design automation software to build parametric models of parts and assemblies and how to make drawings of those parts and assemblies. View Course Details Virtual Training Details: 
